18-22 juli + 22-24 juli
18-22 juli (5 days)
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Anchored in Improvisation Field Technique the purpose of this course is to make you feel more confident with the writing process; from theme & first written inspiration/impulse to the exploration of the characters and their relations & specific life situation. A playwright has to focus on the characters' way of expressing themselves when speaking, and in that way leave space for the actors' and director's artistic interpretations.
Course set up
- We will work partly with guided writing exercises, and partly on the floor with systemic energy field constellations as a tool for holding space for the different voices in your text. The writing segments will be approx. 15-20 min. at the time.
- We will read some of your texts together. It is natural and no problem at all if you feel vulnerable in that situation. We do it because it is such good practice to get rid of the idea, that your text should be "perfect", as "good" as somebody else's, or just "better" than it is. We share the texts in process because it is generous and profound inspiration, and it might open your imagination to the deeper layers of the text/character.
This course is for you if you are curious about writing for the stage and if you are curious about the intuitive way of stepping into a creative/artistic process. Bring pen&paper and/or laptop. You cannot use your phone to write on. Everybody can participate in a constellation. Acting skills are not required. Sarah teaches in English, and she understand Swedish, Norwegian, Danish. You can write in either of these languages.
Keywords: Breathing, body, energy fields, inner landscapes, portraying a character through monologue/dialogue.
22-24 juli (2,5 days)
An introduction to Improvisation Field Technique with a focus on improvised monologues. IFT is a method for dramatic improvisation. A main take away from IFT is that it teaches you how to get past the mental noise of "good & clever" ideas and censuring thoughts of the inner critic. The technique cultivates your trust in the intuitive, and refines your ability to listen to the inner logic of the emotional/physical impulses
Course set up
The course starts on Friday evening. To get the most out of our time together we will work partly with everybody on the floor/stage and partly in groups of 2/4/8. Sarah teaches in English, but understands Swedish, Norwegian, Danish. You can speak the language you prefer.
No pre-knowledge needed. You do not have to take the first course, in order to be able to participate in the weekend one.
Datum & pris:
18-22 juli (5 dagar): 2500kr inklusive kursavgift, boende & mat
22-24 juli (2,5 dagar). 1500kr inklusive kursavgift, boende & mat
Vill du inte boka på skolan betalar du en kursavgift om 500kr.
Vill du gå båda IFT-kurserna betalar du får ett kurspaket, där kursavgiften är 800kr. Välj "course combo" i billetto. För samma pris kan du gå hur många kurser du vill, bara de inte krockar.
Är du student, arbetslös eller låginkomsttagare får du 40% rabatt. Använd kampanjkoden NL22 i Billetto!
Kursledare: Sarah Caroline Kenter (DK)

Sarah Caroline Kenter grundade den professionella teaterensemblen FELT 2014, och har sedan dess undervisat skådespelare och skådespelarstudenter i både Danmark och Sverige. Hon är certifierad zonterapeut med utbildningar inom anatomi och fysiologi och verksam psykoterapeut. Hon har även en magisterutbildning i teologi från Köpenhamns Universitet. Därför är kropp, huvud, känslor och sinne naturligt sammankopplade i improvisationsmetoden som hon har utvecklat. Sarah undervisar på engelska, men förstår både svenska och norska, så om du inte är bekväm med att prata engelska är det inget problem.
"It is my concern to teach you to let go of the fear of not being entertaining, funny, interesting, clever, or good enough on stage, by introducing Improvisation Field Technique (IFT). IFT focuses on your trust in the imaginary, the intuitive, and also your awareness of body, space, and emotion."
More information: