4-8 juli. 5 dagar
In this course you will be introduced to a continuous physical practice. A practice where you are offered space for the body to move and mind to rest. An opportunity to connect with yourself and others; release what doesn't serve you and embrace your inner passion to move. This physical meditation offers freedom within the framework of physical improvisation. Throughout the course, you will experience a multitude of improvisational methods, images, and games. Each harmoniously enriching your individual understanding of y and mind, as well as nourishing your movement language. The course will create a home in which you can feel safe, practice failure, fall in love and reconnect to yourself.
Förkunskaper: Inga förkunskaper krävs
Datum: 4-8 juli (5 dagar)
Språk: Engelska
Enstaka kurs- 500kr (300kr rabatterad*)
Kurs + boende och måltider på skolan- 2500 kr (1500kr rabatterad*)
*Är du student, arbetslös eller låginkomstagare får du 40% rabatt! Ange kampanjkoden NL22 när du bokar din plats!
Kursledare: Jens Schyth Brøndum (DK)
Jens Schyth Brøndum is a contemporary movement artist born in Guatemala City, trained in the US and currently based in Copenhagen, Denmark. He received his BA in Dance and Choreography from The Danish National School of Performing Arts in 2015. Jens founded the Reumert nominated DeLeónCompany in 2013 and has worked for the company since. As a dancer, Jens, performed with Sita Ostheimer Company (2016-2020) touring pieces "Molimo" and "US" throughout Europe and Asia. He works continuously with BobbiLo Produktion, both as an assistant choreographer and dancer, recently touring with the company's interactive performance "DO AS I SAY" in Greenland. In Denmark, Jens currently performs in "Benched" with Uppercut Dance Theater and pieces by choreographer, Anja Gaardbo (Gaardbodans).