In this course we'll work with the sharing of physicality and explanation of ideas. The course will focus on how to connect ideas hidden in daily life to creation. How can we extend the idea into physicality? How is a seamlessly changing work of art created?
Throughout the workshop days we'll research and expand the possibilities of the body from three perspectives: task, situation and purpose.
Relive the creative process.
How do you weave relationships in improvisation? Create inevitability in the movement and in the relationship. By doing so, the relationship is made visible and people find a story in it.
We will expand the possibilities of the body from three perspectives: task, situation, and purpose.
Upplägg: Dansmatta och musik
Ta med: Bekväma kläder
Förkunskaper: Inga förkunskaper krävs
Språk: Engelska, Japanska
Kursavgift enstaka kurs-550 kr (låginkomsttagare 350 kr)
Kurspaket-850 kr (låginkomsttagare 550 kr)
Boende & mat- 550 kr/dygn (låginkomsttagare 350 kr/dygn)
Boende & mat, hela månaden-6000 kr
Boka boende här:
*Är du student, arbetssökande eller annan låginkomsttagare, använd koden NL23 när du bokar
Kursledare: Takuya Fujisawa (JP)
Takuya Fujisawa is a contemporary movement artist born in Kumamoto City, based in Göteborg, Sweden since 2015. His current work spans Austria, Lithuania, Japan, and Sweden, connecting artists from different countries, sharing and refining various ideas, and bringing them back to their respective countries. Takuya's research on physical language and creativity is based on the theme of "connection / continuation". Takuya's creativity is based on experience as an immigrant. "The difficulty of explaining things to people, the moment I felt I could connect with someone without words, the fun and irony of conversations that work even when misunderstood". He incorporates a cultural anthropological perspective into his work, looking at things from a point of view that is different to the norm, rather than criticizing issues.
Previous Company Experience:
2015-2020: Göteborgsoperans Danskompani (Sweden)
2014-2015: The Forsythe Company (Guest artist / Germany)
2008-2014: Noism (Japan)