BOY MEETS CONCRETE was made site-specific in Nuuk, at the Nuuk Nordic Festival 2019, by Hanne Trap Friis and Theater freezeProductions. The piece was part of the big SLETTEN//NARSARSUAQ project and was shown in empty apartments in the center of the City of Nuuk. We wanted to create a dance performance where the soft a vulnerable body meets the concrete, the square and tough constructions that were made for the Greenlandic people when they had to leave their towns at the sea during the urbanization period of Greenland in the 60's and 70's. It's a story about fighting, about pride, about being together and supporting one another, about believing in life, and each other, about joy, sex, pain, harshness and BODY. All put together with great electronical music. The show was a huge success in Nuuk, and has just toured with great success all over Denmark in the summer of 2021. The show will be followed by a 30-minute talk with director Hanne Trap Friis.
Hanne Trap Friis ( DK)
Creation and performing (2019):
Erlend Auestad Danielsen (NO) (dancer ), Alexander Montgomery-Andersen (dancer) ( GL/KN) and Hanne Trap Friis (DK) ( director)
Creation and performing (2021): Erlend Auestad Danielsen (dancer) (NO), Raphael Eder-Ferdinand (dancer) (DK) and Hanne Trap Friis (DK) (director)
Sound design: Hans- Ole Amossen (GL/KN)
Produced by: Theater freezeProductions
AFTER TALK with Hanne Trap Friis
Leader and director of Teater freezeProductions.

Hanne Trap Friis works and investigates in the postcolonial situation and relation between Denmark and Greenland, but also in the different mindsets and world perceptions- politically and humanwise, in general. She works within both new dramatics, dance and also sitespecific works and tours both in Greenland, Denmark and internationalelly with her pieces. Her collaborators are a vast group of artists both in Greenland and Denmark and internationally, and the funding is also from different countries and regions. Hanne has reciecved several prices and her (independent) theater is based in Denmark.